Marina Micanovic
Florence, Italy
Marina Micanovic is a fashion designer. She was study in Accademia Del Lusso-Calegari, in Belgrade. Immediately after graduating, she has began to create for the brand Tango Natural fashion.
However, the way she seems fashion as art, is her personal expression through form, and often, a mixture of styles. Inspired by this, she made a self-collection, with which it is presented at Belgrade Fashion Week, and the exhibition of vignettes organized by Fashion Selection in Belgrade, and in the Split Fashion Week as well.
After these presentations, and participation in various regional competitions, began intensive exposure and presentation to tango fashion throughout Europe.
Innovation in any sphere of art is the main motive and the way she sees the expression of their own without limits . In this way she is designed and leave she’s own mark.

Collection - Punk me up

Punk me up

Spirit of the collection represents Golden age of Punk, end of 70ies and beginning of 80ies, but materials and forms highligth that feminin side, shown in the shapes so close to woman's figure.
Materials used in the collection are combination of baroque and smooth strukture, allowing play of light in seemingly same colours of the materials. Black as the symbol of the Punk culture is prevalent, gray and red are used as the highlights.
Name of the collection, PUNK ME UP, is the result of not just idea of rebelion in the eye of the beholder, but of the play of tapes wrapping up the sculptures-models, representing the game of lights, shadows, past and the future